First ever and only one UNWTO. TedQual Certified program in Japan!!
The Faculty of Tourism, Wakayama University has received UNWTO TedQual certification for its undergraduate program. Now Wakayama University is the first and the only university in Japan with the UNWTO certified program in tourism.
This UNWTO TedQual accreditation system is aiming at establishing a quality standard for tourism education and training and the accreditation is a quality assurance system for greater pedagogic productivity in tourism.
This certification process includes thorough review of a quality of the program, student support and facilities and it consists of five areas of analysis: the Employers, the Students, the Curriculum and Pedagogical System, the Faculty and the Management,
This certification enables the Faculty to join the global network as a TedQual certified program provider. This certification will bring many opportunities to the Faculty and the Center for Tourism Research (CTR) such as volunteers, and research collaboration with UNWTO and UNWTO Academy.
The Faculty and CTR will keep moving forward aiming to lead the development of tourism studies in Japan, the Asia Pacific region and the world.
For further information about UNWTO. TedQual, please visit;