Publication Type |
Author/s (CTR Researchers) |
Title |
Research Unit |
Journal article |
ITO Eiji |
Does understanding of pilgrimage routes elicit idealised emotional experiences through virtual reality walking? * |
Management |
Other |
SANO Kaede |
(Book review) A Research Agenda for the Social Impacts of Tourism * |
Management |
Journal article |
TUOMI Aarni |
Customized language models for tourism management: Implications and future research * |
Management |
Journal article |
YAMAKITA Ryutaro |
Leveraging para-sport events for accessible tourism development in non-host cities: Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games * |
Management |
Journal article |
Dressing up the place: Urban lifestyle mobilities and the production of “fashionable” tourism destinations in rural Japan * |
Management |
Journal article |
TUOMI Aarni |
How the Metaverse can add new layers of hospitality services: A perspective of senior industry practitioners * |
Management |
Book chapter |
Gender and religion in tourism education: Experiences of female Muslim university students studying tourism in the West |
Management |