- 講 演 者 遠藤正之氏 (静岡大学情報学部准教授)
- 開催日時 2016年11月2日(水) 13:10-14:40
- 会 場 和歌山大学経済学部本館棟5階第2会議室(519号室)
IT技術はさまざまな既存産業にその再定義を迫っている。最強といわれた日本の電気産業が新興国に後塵を拝し、衰退しつつあることもそれが原因である。そのため日本産業界はガラパゴスだと揶揄されてきた。本講演会では、そのような問題 意識のもとFinTech研究の第一人者である遠藤氏が熱弁をふるった。
金融経済のインフラである金融に関わる情報システムは、大規模複雑なシステムであり、高度な信頼性を要求されているが、そこに、更にFinTechというイノベーションの波が訪れていることを挙げる。そして、それは既存金融機関にとって、 金融情報システムの信頼性を維持しつつ、イノベーションを取り込むという大きなチャレンジであるとする。その上で、遠藤氏は日本の金融産業のガラパゴス化を阻止するため処方箋を提示する。日本の金融機関が他の産業でおこった現実を 真摯にうけとめ、既存基盤を自ら破壊し、新たな基盤であるFinTechに取り組む必要があるだろう。
『住民レベルでの排出権取引の実施に向けて -大阪府南千里丘地区での調査-』
- 講 演 者 西﨑勝彦氏 (桃山学院大学経済学部講師)
- 開催日時 2015年12月16日(水) 13:10-14:40
- 会 場 和歌山大学経済学部本館棟5階第2会議室(519号室)
- 講 演 者 神田晴彦氏 (株式会社野村総合研究所)
- 開催日時 2015年12月15日(火) 14:50-16:20
- 会 場 和歌山大学経済学部講義棟E101教室
- 講 演 者 堀江康熙氏(関西外国語大学教授、九州大学名誉教授)
- 開催日時 2015年1月14日(水) 13:10-14:40
- 会 場 和歌山大学経済学部本館棟5階第2会議室(519号室)
- 講 演 者 武藤幸治氏 (立命館アジア太平洋大学国際経営学部教授)
- 開催日時 2012年3月19日(月) 13:30-15:00
- 会 場 和歌山大学経済学部本館棟5階第1会議室(517号室)
Keisoku Lecture Spring 2012 provided an opportunity to share thoughts about the economics of the so-called Arab Spring with Prof. Koji Muto, who is an authority on the Arab world affairs. The wave of revolutions that brought an end to some authoritarian regimes in the Arab world does not have its roots only in the disenchantment with inept political systems, but in deep social and economic injustice as well. The focus is thus made on the economic aspects of these social unrests, including high youth unemployment rates in relation to educational levels, insufficient diversification of economic activities, low real GDP growth rates and over-reliance of some countries on European Union markets. The social effects of these economic conditions may have been exacerbated by the euro-area sovereign debt problems. But the burden of blame lies with the failures and shortcomings of domestic economic and industrial policies, in contrast with the sustainable growth of many Asian economies in terms of export diversification and development of the manufacturing sectors. From the perspective of human development, there are sharp inequalities in incomes, and the real conditions are even harder to assess in the absence of reliable statistics on poverty rates. There is no evidence of gender discrimination as far as the rights to education are concerned, but the tendency for unemployment to increase with the level of education is disconcerting. From the political perspective, the rise of political Islam is considered as one of the most important implications of the Arab Spring. The issue remains as to whether this constitutes the harvest time for many Islamist movements, which were denied so far the right to political participation. The overwhelming electoral victories may be reflective of strong dissatisfaction with past political regimes and ideologies, and of a natural reversion to the root elements of Arab and Islamic identity that hold better prospects for the satisfaction of social demands and aspirations. This seminar lecture was an opportunity for the diversified audience to raise a number of interesting questions related to the impact of the Arab Spring on the bilateral relations with Japan, the separation between state and religion in the writing of new constitutions, the future role of women in Arab societies, and the mechanics and impact of free education, among others. There are many other important lessons to be drawn from the historical events shaping the Arab World. This seminar contributed toward a better understanding of the complexity of social, religious, economic and geo-strategic dimensions of the Arab Spring, the underlying factors that were conducive toward these uprisings and the future prospects of Arab societies.
International Trade and Economic Development:
Why is "Aid For Trade" Needed?
- 講 演 者 Dr Franck Ekutu BONZEMBA (国連?国際貿易センター?シニアオフィサー)
- 開催日時 2011年12月12日(月) 13:10~14:40
- 会 場 和歌山大学経済学部講義棟E301室
This lecture highlights the important role of international trade in promoting economic development. The world economy has certainly benefited from trade liberalization, which contributed also toward social development. However, in contrast to the unprecedented post-war growth rates in advanced economies, the chronic inability of low-income and middle-income economies to draw their own share of benefits from international trade poses some difficult questions that should be examined from different perspectives including international economics, trade regulation, international finance and institutional capacity building. The focus is thus made on the principal issue of devising viable solutions that promote the participation of developing countries into international trade. This lecture provides an overview of important aspects of international trade and the forces driving economic globalization, which can help understanding the ongoing debate about the relation between international trade and economic development. It examines also the important functions of the World Trade Organization, which constitutes a forum for governments to negotiate trade agreements, settle trade disputes and provide technical assistance to developing countries. Central to the understanding of the framework governing international trade is the growth of regional trade agreements, which have the objective of reducing the barriers to trade among member countries. Because the reduction of trade restrictions is not necessarily conducive to income growth and poverty reduction, the natural question arises as to why many countries fail to take advantage of the potential opportunities offered by economic globalization. Using data on the distribution of Aid for Trade across continents and some examples to illustrate the significant assistance by the International Trade Centre, it is shown that these aid initiatives are necessary to improve the capacity of least developed countries, and thus expand their trade activities. When used efficiently, Aid-for-Trade can be conducive to better economic infrastructure, improved productive capacities and established institutional frameworks that facilitate participation into international trade. Finally, in answering several inquiries from the audience, Dr Ekutu Bonzemba explains the irreversible trends towards stronger economic integration and the challenged faced by Japan and other countries in negotiating regional cooperation agreements such as the Trans-Pacific Partnership. He also provides interesting insights about the impact of international financial crises on the prospects of international trade, and draws lessons for least-developing and developing countries.
Debt, Financial Markets and the Macroeconomy
- 講 演 者 Dr Mark J. HOLMES (ニュージーランド、ワイカト大学 教授)
- 開催日時 2011年10月17日(月) 13:10~14:40
- 会 場 和歌山大学経済学部講義棟E302室
This lecture puts into perspective the three economic crises of the Great Depression, the Global Financial Crisis and the ongoing Euro-area Sovereign Debt Crisis. It overviews the potential causes for the Great Depression including shocks to equilibria in the goods and money markets. It also addresses the possible explanations of the global credit crunch including the Federal Reserve monetary policy, bursting of house price bubbles and failure of financial institutions. Whereas the greater concerns centered on lending to individuals, the focus shifted to lending rather to governments during the euro area sovereign debt crisis. This naturally raises important questions about the threats to the global financial system, the effectiveness of policy responses in terms of fiscal austerity and quantitative easing measures, and the likelihood of global economic recession. The attention is drawn then to the Japanese economy, its own experience with economic stagnation, quantitative easing, and the yen's status of haven currency. Finally, the concluding comments addressed the implications of increased economic uncertainty on the crucial linkage between debt, financial markets and the macroeconomy, and the broader lessons from these financial crises, which are not always straightforward.
Measuring Economic Uncertainty with Volatility Indices
- 講 演 者 Dr Nabil MAGHREBI (和歌山大学経済学部教授)
- 開催日時 2011年8月4日(木) 13:30-15:00
- 会 場 和歌山大学経済学部本館棟2階 経済研究所所長室(201号室)
This lecture examines market expectations about future economic uncertainty based on volatility indices. It reviews in brief the calculus of model-free implied volatility indices underlying the VIX index methodology and the volatility index derived from the Nikkei 225 options traded on the Osaka Securities Exchange. It considers the usefulness of these volatility indices as a gauge of investors’ fear and a measure of economic uncertainty. The focus is made on the forecasting accuracy of volatility indices during periods of elevated uncertainty such as the collapse of the Japanese asset bubble and the U.S. credit and financial crisis. In addition, it examines the behavior of volatility expectations around the monetary policy meetings of the Bank of Japan. Using the event-study methodology, it is shown that the average level of anticipated volatility tends to increase before the scheduled meetings and decrease in association with policy announcements. There is thus evidence that model-free implied volatility indices constitute indeed a reliable measure of economic uncertainty as perceived by financial markets. As such, they have the potential of providing incremental information that can be useful for both forecasting and risk-measurement purposes as well as for regulatory and policy-making purposes.