グローバル?プログラム(GP): Global Seminar Ⅱ- Interim English Presentations
公開日 2021年11月05日
2021年10月15日(金)、グローバル?プログラム(GP)?の「Global Seminar-II 追加演習」(担当:アダム?ドーリング教員)を履修している学生9名の中間発表会を実施いたしました。
今回発表した学生は、それぞれのゼミ演習を通じてDissertation(英語で執筆する卒業論文)の作成に取り組んでおり、今回のInterim English Presentationsでは、お互いの研究テーマについて意見交換を行いました。
2021 is the third year of Global Program at Faculty of Tourism. This year ten students will be writing their dissertation in English. On October 15, these students presented their research at the Interim Presentation of Global Seminar II. Research topics included sport tourism, diversity, sustainable transportation, drive tourism, trail-based tourism, crisis response strategy, theme parks and fan tourism.
Associated professor Adam Doering moderated the event, the discussion was lively and students were able to openly share their opinion with each other. The Faculty of Tourism is looking forward to their final work presented at the Year End Seminar in January.