Seminar: Re-visiting the Tourist Gaze
公開日 2016.06.29
How does the tourist see the world? What institutions and images, devices and designs, shape this tourist worldview? And how does this tourist gaze organize, mediate and shape how tourism is performed?
These are interesting and important questions for any traveler and tourism scholar to consider. With the help of Professor Jonas Larsen, co-author of the seminal text The Tourist Gaze 3.0, we will re-visit the idea of the tourist gaze by exploring the enduring influence of the concept, how it has evolved over time to included discussions on embodied performativity, visual media, design and alternative futures, and the ways this concept remains an important concept for today’s multiplied, multi-cultural and mobile tourism world.
*This seminar will be conducted in English.
*Registration required.
Sustainable and Critical Tourism Studies
Re-visiting the Tourist Gaze
Tuesday, July 12th
CTR Conference Room 107, Faculty of Economics South Building, Wakayama University
(Sakaedani 930, Wakayama-city)
Professor Jonas Larsen
Jonas Larsen is professor in Mobilities and Urban Studies at Roskilde University, Denmark, in the department of People and Technology. He has published extensively within the fields of mobilities, tourism and photography. He has co-authored the books Performing Tourist Places; Mobilities, Networks, Geographies; Tourism, Performance and the Everyday: Consuming the orient; and Digital Snaps: the new face of Digital Photography. His more recent research is concerned with geographies, designs and mobilities of cycling and running.
Required (No registration fee is required.)
Please email Center for Tourism Research at
Center for Tourism Research, Wakayama University
Faculty of Tourism, Wakayama University
Wakayama University
Center for Tourism Research
Sakaedani 930, Wakayama-city 640-8510, JAPAN