The emergence of the DMO concept in Japan: Confusion, contestation and acceptance
公開日 2018年02月19日
国際観光学研究センター(CTR)DMO研究ユニット所属の3人の研究員(永井隼人観光学部講師、アダム?ドーリングCTR准教授、八島雄士観光学部教授)の共著論文が、DMO研究の有力国際誌Journal of Destination Marketing & Managementに掲載されました。今まで国際誌上ではあまり注目されていなかった日本におけるDMO形成の動きについて扱った論文となっており、近年海外の研究者の間で活発に議論されているDMOの将来的な役割に関する議論への貢献が期待されています。
The emergence of the DMO concept in Japan: Confusion, contestation and acceptance
Hayato Nagai, Faculty of Tourism, Wakayama University, Wakayama, Japan
Adam Doering, Center for Tourism Research, Wakayama University, Wakayama, Japan
Yuji Yashima, Faculty of Tourism, Wakayama University, Wakayama, Japan
Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 2018
Destination marketing and/or management organizations (DMOs) have been acknowledged as an essential component of the tourism system. However, the ability of DMOs to manage and coordinate destination development in contemporary society is now being questioned by scholars. The focus of this regional spotlight is Japan, a country that has recently turned to tourism as the tool to facilitate economic growth. The paper examines the early emergence of the registered DMO program introduced by the Japanese government in 2015, with a particular focus on how the concept of DMO is being adopted and understood by tourism practitioners at local tourism destinations across the country. Offering insights into the ways the concept of DMO is understood, experienced and employed in Japan, a non-Western context, the paper contributes to the international debate concerning the future role of DMOs globally.
DMO; Governance; Japan; Strategic planning; Marketing; Management